Great whites ply the waters off Cape Breton so it only makes sense to have signs for the people who play there, says shark ...
Just in time for Spring Break, a visitor is in the area. Only this visitor measures more than 13 feet and weighs more than ...
The New Waterford Sharks were successful it being the lone Cape Breton team to make it to a championship game at the SEDMHA ...
Between 2010 and 2016, shark spotters recorded around 205 great white sharks living along the coastal sites of False Bay and Gansbaai, which lie off the eastern shore of Cape Town.
More than 100 sharks tagged near Cape Cod were found swimming near several of Maine’s western beaches, sometimes traveling back and forth between the two places, according to a new study.
Cape Cod isn't the only spot in New England where great white sharks like to feast on seals. A new study by local shark researchers has found that more than 100 white sharks that were tagged off ...
Four division champions were crowned in the Charlie Campbell Memorial Hockey Tournament, hosted by the Glace Bay Minor Hockey ...