Capstone projects may also involve entrepreneurship or invention or something we might not have imagined! Students interested in pursuing an innovative/entrepreneurial project should meet with the ...
As part of the Capstone course, each student proposes and carries out an individual research project under the direction of a faculty advisor. Examples of student projects are listed below.
What are Student Capstone Projects? Many university departments offer capstone courses. These are courses that allow their students to demonstrate the knowledge they have accumulated while earning ...
Project dates should align with the University academic calendar: fall (September to December), winter (January to March), spring (April to June), or summer (July to August). Sample Capstone Course ...
Below are some examples from past certificate students ... allow students to TA as an independent study to fulfill the capstone Serving as a methodological resource for a research project One student ...
Students who major in Music at William & Mary must complete a senior capstone project. This is a semester-long 1-credit course and can be fulfilled in four ways: Production, Presentation, Performance, ...
Students choose their capstone project in consultation with their advisor when they have completed 18 credits. Each of these options requires six credits worth of classes and significant independent ...