Revenge of the Sith proved, at least partially, that he was the Star Wars franchise’s greatest villain even without his ...
A "Star Wars" actor who played a key role in "The Empire Strikes Back" in 1980 died in a care facility in California.
The Phantom Menace, a veiled figure shadows all galactic happenings, exercising control over political systems and personal destinies.
Star Wars' new Andor prequel novel confirms some key truths about Padmé Amidala and her death, and how crucial it was to the ...
The veteran actor, recognized for voicing “The Empire Strikes Back” sequel, died at a care facility in Sherman Oaks, Calif., ...
But in the original cut of Revenge of the Sith, even more scenes connected the Empire to real-world fascism. A video from the YouTube channel Star Wars Analyst explores this subject in greater detail.
Disney/Lucasfilm is re-releasing Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith on April 25 for its 20th ... and from its ashes rises the evil Galactic Empire. Jedi hero Anakin Skywalker is seduced by the Dark ...
from the Rule of Two to their ultimate goal of establishing an empire to rule the galaxy, and the Star Wars movies only scratch the surface. The history of the Sith before the Grand Plan is one of ...
We’re not going to say either choice is better than the other… after all, only a sith deals in ... the early days of the Empire. If you want to watch all the Star Wars movies in chronological ...