The complexities of using A.I. for authentication are laid bare in a new dispute over whether one painting can be attributed ...
The debate about the authenticity of a Rubens's masterpiece "Samson and Delilah" will be reignited next week with the release ...
The latest volume of the Corpus Rubenianum has just been released, this time focusing on Works in Collaboration - Frans ...
A Swiss company claims to have confirmed the authenticity of a version of Rubens’s ‘The Bath of Diana’, which was long thought to be a copy—the leading authority on the artist takes a different view ...
The recent discovery of an art forger's workshop reminds us of the long history of fraudulent artworks – here are the simple rules to work them out.
Freeman’s announced the results of its highly successful European Art & Old Masters auction—the first sale at its new Center City Philadelphia flagship gallery. With a sell-through rate of 98%, the ...
The painting depicts the Old Testament story where ... an unacceptable fiasco,” she said of one cherub featured, adding Rubens would never have chopped off Samson’s toes.