We men are not the best at taking care of ourselves. We tend to ignore pains hoping they’ll go away rather than heading to the doctor’s surgery. Even though I’m the son of a GP and a ...
Rishi Sunak today joins the Daily Mail’s campaign for nationwide prostate cancer screening after seeing ‘too many friends’ battle the disease. The former PM added his support to the growing ...
Keir Starmer has signalled his determination to tackle prostate cancer after Rishi Sunak challenged him to take action. The former Tory Prime Minister urged his successor to back calls for a ...
Former prime minister Rishi Sunak has said he is “honoured” to become an ambassador for a prostate cancer charity. He will support Prostate Cancer Research’s campaign to introduce a national ...
Former prime minister Rishi Sunak has said he is "honoured" to become a prostate cancer charity ambassador. He will support Prostate Cancer Research's campaign to introduce a national screening ...
Screening for prostate cancer has never been shown to reduce men’s overall mortality, but always leads to overdiagnosis and over-treatment ("Rishi Sunak ‘honoured’ to become prostate cancer ...
In a viral 20-second clip discussing the identity of Rishi Sunak, Nelson said: “He is absolutely English – he was born and bred here.” Kisin demurred: “He’s a brown Hindu; how is he English?” His ...