Keep in mind your cover letter should change for every application. This is not the space to reiterate everything from your resume. Look at the skills desired and show that you have them. Incorporate ...
Now here’s where things can either ... “You want to avoid the common mistake of summarizing your resume when writing your cover letter. Instead, use your cover letter as an opportunity to ...
The purpose of a cover letter is to: demonstrate your interest in a position and the company, market yourself as the ideal candidate, explain any red flags that your resume might raise, explain how ...
Always submit a cover letter with a resume unless the employer expressly says not to do so. Tailor your cover letter specifically to the position to which you are applying. Cover letters must have ...
To see more information on the difference between a CV and a resume refer to the Resume vs CV sheet linked below. A cover letter generally accompanies a resume or CV when applying for a position. The ...
The Career Services office regularly offers resume and job search workshops. Visit the events page to find out about this semester's workshops. Remember, your resume and cover letter will lead to an ...
Expand all items + What is the difference between a cover letter and resume? Although both the cover letter and resume outline your job history/experience, the cover letter draws more of an explicit ...
Not all positions will request a cover letter, but we suggest you always include one with your application materials, when possible. When application instructions are to email your resume, consider ...
Hiring managers have numerous resumes and cover letters to sift through. They will spend less than 30 seconds looking at each resume. To stand out from the competition, your resume must be the best ...