On Wednesday, the Texas Tech campus in Lubbock had to evacuate after an explosion coming from a manhole caused multiple fires and power outages.
An explosion at a substation at Texas Tech University caused fire and smoke to billow out from manholes on campus, prompting ...
“I heard an explosion and then saw a smoke ring, almost like a cartoon or something,” doctoral degree student Robert Gauthreaux III told KCBD-TV. “It traveled about 200 feet in the air.
Video below: Resident describes fire and explosion at Denver retirement communityHinchey walked through dense smoke to get out, but said there was no chaos or screaming.The American Red Cross of ...
LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD/Gray News) - An explosion at a substation at Texas Tech University caused fire and smoke to billow out from manholes on campus, prompting school officials to evacuate ...