Dad-of-two Curtis Miller needed 91 stitches after his brush with a 300lb shark during a fishing 'trip of a lifetime' with ...
A man needed 91 stitches after being bitten by a 300lb shark while on a fishing trip in South Africa. Curtis Miller, 29, from ...
A shark no larger than a human hand that stalked the ancient sea floor 340 million years ago has been dubbed the “chipmunk ...
Mr Miller, from Barry Island, described how he was taking the hook out of a ragged tooth shark when it latched onto his arm and sunk its teeth into his flesh. The father-of-two was rushed ...
A British fisherman was "like a rag doll" when a 300lb shark attacked him during a fishing trip to South Africa. Curtis Miller, 29, from Barry, Vale of Glamorgan, needed 91 stitches after the ragged ...
The Ragged tooth shark uses this method of reproduction, but gruesomely the first pup to hatch out of its egg will then eat its unborn siblings!
blacktip shark and ragged-tooth shark sightings increased; tiger shark sightings were stable, and bull shark and dusky shark ...
During the studied period, for instance, hammerhead shark, blacktip shark and ragged-tooth shark sightings increased; tiger shark sightings were stable, and bull shark and dusky shark sightings ...
But the trip took a dramatic turn on 28 February when a friend caught a huge ragged-tooth shark and Curtis went to its tail, trying to move it up some rocks when it "turned and just latched on".