The Honey-Can-Do Portable Laptop Lap Desk (our former budget pick) was nixed in a later round of testing because it doesn’t have a built-in laptop rest to keep your stuff from sliding off.
It has eight different angles, weighs less than half a pound and you can pick it up for half the usual price at Amazon.
So, what I did was I added the BenQ Laptop Light Bar to my portable monitor; this way, it can stay as a single desk setup, and I can unplug my laptop, go wherever else I may need to go and come ...
A laptop is best if you've got a budget well over $1,000, and "portable" doesn't mean more than moving from one desk to another. Gaming laptops are typically thick and heavy, while also being ...
It seemed like the holy grail of portable laptop gaming — a power-hungry GPU that lived on your desk, to be plugged in for gaming performance as needed, then unplugged when you needed to work on ...