Should I add shock or chlorine first? Shock is a periodic, as-needed treatment, while chlorine is a regular part of pool maintenance. Shocking the pool allows you to reset chlorine levels quickly.
Recently, stock tank pools -- large galvanized steel or plastic tubs originally designed for feeding livestock -- have made a rather large splash, becoming a popular alternative to traditional pools.
This results in a shock wave of pressurized air molecules, which form a cone-shaped sheath around and behind the plane. This cone-shaped shock wave wouldn't be a problem if it lost its strength as ...
Adrenomed’s biomarker-guided, precision medicine approach means that treatment is matched to underlying pathophysiology to be disease modifying: patients with sepsis/septic shock who show ...
Treatment was often brutal; some doctors used solitary confinement and electric shock treatment to try to snap their patients out of it. But then they began to understand something of the stress ...