Most of the penguins seemed to chat with others while they were in the sea, away from their breeding colonies.
Penguin poop is stinky but useful. In Antarctica, the birds’ nutrient-rich guano allows mosses and other organisms to ...
Six African Penguins at the New England Aquarium in Boston have made a new home on an island designed to address the aches ...
Little blue penguin break-up rates are a new tool that could predict their colony’s future in the face of climate change and ...
Avian flu has wreaked havoc in other parts of the world. According to the World Organization for Animal Health, the United ...
Researchers conclude that Adélie penguins took over the Antarctic habits of seals when sea ice started to expand around 1,400 ...
A team from EL PAÍS joins the Spanish expedition which has detected the spread of deadly avian flu among Antarctic fauna ...