The latest deadline for countries to submit plans for slashing the greenhouse gas emissions fueling climate change has passed ...
Only 15 out of 194 countries met the latest Paris Agreement deadline to submit new climate action plans, raising concerns ...
As the world grapples with how to tackle climate change, countries that signed the Paris Agreement outline their commitments ...
With the US out of the Paris accords (again), the world’s biggest polluter should show it’s serious about slashing emissions.
Mexico’s updated 2030 target (NDC), submitted in November 2022 results in higher emission levels than the targets from 2016, breaching both agreements under the Paris Agreement and Mexican Law—where ...
Most nations party to the Paris Agreement failed to submit new targets ... off time for NDCs to be considered in the Secretariat’s NDC Synthesis Report, which will provide an overview of the ...
Ukraine is set to approve its third Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) this year, taking into account the changes ...
Venezuela’s updated 2021 NDC is perhaps the most extreme example ... Without them, the goals of the Paris Agreement may remain only on paper.