When Master Yoda (Frank Oz) arrives at the Senate to confront newly-self-appointed Emperor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid), they exchange some memorably sassy insults, from "my little green friend" to ...
La caída del Imperio Galáctico: Marvel revela por qué Palpatine era irremplazable El universo de Star Wars sigue expandiéndose, y los nuevos cómics de Marvel han abordado una de las preguntas ...
That would be some elaborate explanation of Palpatine’s return in the new Star Wars trilogy, but really, just the third movie, Rise of Skywalker. We know Pershing was working with genetic ...
There may still be a connection between the planet and the Sith Lord publicly known as Sheev Palpatine, though, and that is hinted at when the At Attin supervisor's (Stephen Fry) confronts Jod Na ...
Su cuerpo se carbonizó en las ascua volcánicas y llameantes, maltrecho para siempre. Si Palpatine no lo hubiera rescatado, su muerte se habría producido en ese mismo instante, entre tremendos ...
El canciller supremo Palpatine ha ideado una falsa guerra para aumentar su poder dentro del nuevo régimen. Para lograr este objetivo, tratará de destruir a la Orden Jedi, lo que provoca el surgi ...
At that, a clip began, but it wasn’t from the Capitol. It was from the Galactic Senate of “Star Wars” — namely, Palpatine’s declaration of seizing power from “Revenge of the Sith.” ...