The Jedi long suspected Palpatine had a dark side, but there was never enough evidence to be sure until Revenge of the Sith.
Most figures in Hasbro’s Black Series line aren’t $50. They’re around half that. So, clearly, this Palpatine figure had ...
But in this case, no, I do not want to have Mando and Grogu integrated into some grand storyline about how Palpatine was cloned and hidden away and amassed his absurdly huge Death Star Destroyer army.
A lot of the best Hollywood decisions came from necessity, and Star Wars' best casting decision was no exception, as a new ...
Palpatine's line isn't a jab directed only at ... a slave boy who the Jedi couldn't be bothered to help. Yoda's history, we do not know. When the Jedi Order is introduced in the prequels, it ...