Though we may be separated by physical distance, we want to give users the opportunity to make their online learning environments and virtual meetings feel a little ...
Global Marketing and Communications has created a variety of formal and informal University-branded Zoom templates to bring a Northwestern look and feel to all your digital learning, virtual meetings, ...
If background noise is still plaguing ... also integrate into a calendar listing that can be organized however you like, instead of as the Zoom default. Free during the pandemic.
Zoom just released a new feature called blur background, and it looks great. It’s a new native feature and I show you how to blur your video background with the click of a button! (similar to ...
Platforms like Google Meet, Zoom and Microsoft Teams allow users to use custom background during video calls. In this post, we show you how to set up custom backgrounds on Zoom, Google Meet and ...
4. Click Open(E). Once the presentation has been imported, the slides will be shown as your virtual background. If your video is on, by default it will be imposed over the slides. Note: If Mirror my ...
Amazon Prime Video has created some delightful Zoom backgrounds just for you. Next time you're looking for a background that accurately reflects one of your interests, try out one of Prime Video's ...