Vouchers just went on sale for the new “puffin plate” featuring the orange-billed seabird. Read online: https://www.koin.com/news/oregon/puffin-license-plate-for ...
Want to show some love for puffins, those engaging coastal seabirds? Order a puffin license plate. “The Oregon Coast Aquarium is one of three facilities in the Pacific Northwest, and the only in ...
The “Vibrant Ocean” specialty plate features three shark species commonly found in Oregon. Proceeds from sales of the plates will benefit Oregon State University’s Big Fish Lab, which ...
PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — A new proposed license plate supporting Oregon State University’s Big Fish Lab hopes to bring attention to Oregon’s coastal sharks. There are 15 species of sharks ...
Vouchers are now on sale for the "Vibrant Ocean" plate. It features three shark species commonly found in Oregon, the salmon shark, blue shark and thresher shark. “Funding shark research is hard.
Oregon Coast Aquarium only halfway to securing enough vouchers to produce puffin plate The Seattle location will offer more than 40 donut flavors, including Voodoo’s signature bacon maple bar.