A growing oil spill in the Humber Estuary has sparked concerns of an environmental disaster after an oil tanker and cargo ship crashed off the Yorkshire coast. At least 36 people have been rescued ...
The next big breakthrough when it comes to cleaning up disastrous oil spills in the ocean just might ... components of their body to more easily absorb nutrients from the water around them ...
A chemical spill was reported early Friday morning in the Village of Waunakee. Although the spill is contained, the public is ...
Compensation body says urgent checks are needed on insurance status of vessels suspected of being behind spills ...
Three yachts went up in flames along the Miami River in Northwest Miami-Dade early Friday morning, according to Miami-Dade ...
Major oil spills can be catastrophic for seabirds and marine life. Nearly 15 years on from the biggest marine spill in history, are we any better at cleaning up oil at sea? Jocelyn Timperley ...
Fatal explosion probe continues The oil spill at Braeburn Alloy Steel came ... contractor vacuumed and installed booms and used absorbent material to recover oil,” Camarda said.
A spill of diesel into a river could affect ... water drain and that it worked with United Utilities to deploy oil absorbent booms and bales to stem the flow of diesel. Deborah Thwaite said ...
To contain the fuel runoff, MDFR said it's using specialized oil spill response equipment that entails an oil-absorbent boom — a strong mesh-like sleeve that encases a highly absorbent material that ...