At first, scientists had expected the unusual material to be diamond with a hexagonal structure, rather than the classic cubic diamonds we are used to. Studying samples of the meteorite in 2022 ...
First identified in 1967, lonsdaleite is the hardest naturally-occuring mineral ever discovered—yes, it’s even harder than diamonds. Lonsdaleite, however, has only been found in meteorites ...
Many of the meteoritic fragments around Arizona's Meteor Crater (and also three other meteorites) contain bits of diamond. These inclusions provide information on the history of the meteorites ...
Glittering stars in the night sky aside, scientists have long known that there are diamonds in the heavens. In 1981, for example, when Smithsonian researchers tried to cut through a large iron ...
Some investments are “quite literally out of this world”, said ITV. Last week at Sotheby’s Dubai, a 555.55 carat black diamond called “The Enigma” was unveiled and it will become the ...
Archaeologists have discovered 'extraterrestrial metal' used to create jewellery in ancient burial sites in Poland.