The finds, which also include dozens of clay sealings, contain details of a metric system used to measure resources, as well ...
Researchers have uncovered a vast and well-preserved network of ancient irrigation canals in the Eridu region of southern ...
Modern historiography has tended to assume that violence was the primary driving force behind the formation of the first ...
But it was in southern Mesopotamia that money became formalized ... You can read more of Hudson’s economic history on the Observatory. This text is adapted from Michael Hudson’s foreword ...
Recently, historian Dr. Esmé James shared what's essentially a 4,000-year-old text message from a teenager to his mother.
Photograph by Werner Forman, GTRES This story appears in the January/February 2017 issue of National Geographic History magazine. Mesopotamia—“the land between two rivers”—gave birth to ...
Archaeologists have discovered a massive and well-preserved network of ancient irrigation canals in southern Mesopotamia, ...
“Sargon developed this new form of governance by conquering all the Sumerian cities of Mesopotamia, creating what most historians call the first empire in the world,” Girsu Project Director ...
The discovery that farming might not have been the catalyst for civilisation means we must completely rethink the timeline of ...
The oldest known example of writing comes from Mesopotamia and dates to about ... that hard-working individuals throughout history have always wanted their glass of beer? Well, this most ancient ...
Among the nostalgic items that adorn the walls and grounds of the End of the Commons General Store in Mesopotamia rests ...