Blinking, spectacled Henry Pu Yi was about to become Manchu Emperor of the new state of Ta Manchu Tikuo, until last week Manchukuo, until two years ago Manchuria. All this had a profound effect on ...
We will talk about the dynasty he belonged to - the Qing, his period as the emperor in 1908-1912, Chinese Revolution, how he became the puppet ruler of Manchukuo under the Japanese during World ...
Manchukuo was a puppet state established in large part by the Imperial Japanese Army about a century ago. Recent research has uncovered the dark side of Manchukuo and the huge influence played by ...
Soviet newspaper readers last week were bug-eyed at a trial in Manchukuo which seemed to them ... Trials must have seemed to Manchukuoan Emperor Kang Te, Japan’s bland puppet.
The American Consul-General and the British Minister in Manchukuo were approached here ... the murder of the Emperor himself and his family, are Communists and leaders of the Communist movement ...
The series, titled “Manshu Ahen Squad” (Manchuria opium squad), is running in Shukan Young Magazine, a manga weekly published by Kodansha Ltd. The story is set in Manchukuo, Japan’s 1932 ...