Who signs up for the unforgiving grind of becoming an umpire now? Start with the 56 candidates at MLB Umpire Prospect ...
The Automated Ball-Strike System (ABS), which uses Hawk-Eye technology was rolled up from the minors into the majors for an ...
In a self-deprecating moment as Major League Baseball umpires begin to get used to the league's new automated balls and strikes (ABS) challenge system, umpire Mike Muchlinski declared the call of ...
NEW YORK (AP) — Umpire Pat Hoberg was fired by Major League Baseball on Monday for sharing his legal sports gambling accounts with a friend who bet on baseball games and for intentionally ...
Add umpires to the list of jobs at risk of being replaced by robots. Major League Baseball this week will begin testing an automated system that will keep count of balls and strikes. The tests ...