Tulip fire is a fungal disease caused by the pathogen Botrytis tulipae that attacks and eventually destroys all parts of the ...
Tulips will look beautiful and "stay upright" for much longer when you do one simple task when you first bring them home.
Roses have long been the flower of choice for the holiday, but some see an opening for the humble tulip.
Its purple leaves and acid-lime bracts set off richly coloured tulips to perfection. Anthriscus sylvestris ‘Ravenswing’, the bronze-leaved cow parsley, makes another great marriage with tulips. To get ...
What’s a tulip tree? There are two plant species grown in Marin that are called tulip trees. Magnolia soulangeana, a ...
Tulips, with their sleek and simple silhouette, are often associated with springtime renewal and love. Their upright petals and broad leaves make them a perfect muse for costume design.