The succession passed smoothly and James VI of Scotland ... of himself as king of a united Britain occupied his early years. James even went as far as designing a new flag for this new nation.
In March 1603, Elizabeth died and James became king of England and Ireland in a remarkably smooth transition of power. After 1603 he only visited Scotland once, in 1617. One of James's great ...
Historian Gareth Russell was putting the finishing touches to Queen James, his biography of James VI and I ... the 1605 gunpowder plot was a false flag operation designed to turn him against ...
We know King James I of England primarily through his name being attached to the King James Version of the Holy Bible, which ...
Scotland's History Articles James VI, King of Scots 1567 - 1625 ... James even went as far as designing a new flag for this new nation. However, his first experience with the English Parliament ...