Jonas uploaded a flirty clip to show off the ink on his thigh. The footage displayed the Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam lead as he lifted his white robe and black underwear to reveal a tattoo of ...
The Jonas Brothers ... band's YouTube channel, Joe and Nick explain how they came across the event, which was themed to both Disney Channel films, 'Camp Rock' and 'Camp Rock 2,' and decided ...
and there is a Camp Rock 1 and 2 trivia night going on at a bar 5 minutes from our hotel," Joe Jonas said in the video. "So what better way to end the night than by surprising some people?" ...
Adrienne Warren is currently starring in The Last Five Years on Broadway with Nick Jonas, yet the pair could have worked ...
Bynum also included a Camp Rock 2 clip for comparison, featuring Demi Lovato leading campers in a nostalgic chant, Kevin, ...