As one of the World War I allies, Japan received seven of the surrendered U-boats but went a bit beyond mere 'examination.' Japan imported some 800 German technicians, engineers, and naval ...
Submarines made up relatively small portions of each combatant's total fleet during WWI, but that didn't make them any less useful or deadly. Initially, nations followed the naval tradition of ...
Looking back through history, it’s often difficult to see passed events that have so shaped our modern world. The story of Japan in World War II for example has often left those in the west with an ...
22, 1943, aerial view of the Ellwood oil field showing the oil piers bombarded by the Japanese submarine I-17 on Feb. 23, 1942, and the route of the submarine (S). The location of the Wheeler Inn ...
Japan has commissioned one of the most advanced conventional submarines in the world, with the Raigei being the latest in a class of hunter-killer vessels designed to operate in the relatively ...