Inequality indicators are different ways of measuring aggregate differences in income distribution. The Gini index, as well as the 90/10 ratio, are some of the most commonly used. This dashboard shows ...
as well as the level of income inequality among residents. These four comprehensive metrics are indicators of more than just economic opportunity in a given state; they intersect with employment ...
Check out more from the series here. Listener Tom Scholten from Madison, Wisconsin, asks: Income inequality is a term often mentioned in recent years, but by what measure or criteria is it measured?
Mark Stelzner: The historic income inequality we associate with Gilded Age up to the ... CC: So are we looking at the wrong metrics? MS: I think the metrics we use don’t even come close to giving us ...
Douglas County does better than the national average on unemployment, child poverty, flu vaccinations and more, but it has ...
The World Bank recently adopted new metrics for achieving the goal of ending ... of the bottom 40 percent and growth in average household income (figure 1). However, in situations where inequality is ...
Inequality is a notoriously challenging concept on which to make definitive statements. Inequality of what? Of household income or of GDP per capita? Or even of mortality rates themselves, across ...
One of Australia’s most valuable social surveys also found a record number of households have been affected by natural disasters.
California's wealth divide has reached one of the highest levels in the nation, according to Census Bureau data.
For years, environmental activists and international organizations like the United Nations have championed the idea that ...
It ranks cities on 13 individual metrics, from job growth and wage growth to income inequality and broadband access. This year's ranking looked at 200 large cities and 203 small cities ...