From the hills of Tallahassee, the people shout with glee, “The Florida Scrub-Jay is the new ... In the modern world of the Anthropocene – the age of Homo sapiens – only 10% of FSJ habitat ...
Weedon Island is one of Florida's oldest places, and people continuously inhabit it. Before Machu Pichu, before Europeans arrived in Florida in 1513, and going back to the end of the last ice age, ...
Sunday, March 13-16, has a loaded lineup for its 10th year with Sting and Shaggy kicking things off as headliners Thursday in ...
Divers in Florida’s Steinhatchee River stumbled upon hundreds of pristine fossils from an obscure Ice Age period, including giant armadillos, ancient horses and possibly a new species of tapir.
“This ice age effect is the largest in Maryland ... with rates of sea level rise increasing from northern Maine to southern Florida,” Hay said. “This spatial structure is consistent with patterns ...