So do higher APRs on credit cards due to increased interest rates. The good news is that if you lost your job and weren't negligent, you can probably start collecting money from unemployment benefits.
While you're waiting, you'd do well to learn the ins and outs of collecting unemployment benefits. For instance, Kardas says, you'll need to file weekly claims – and you want to do it on time.
As thousands of federal employees lose their jobs, News 3's Erin Miller wanted to see what has changed in Virginia when it ...
Filing for unemployment, looking for other forms of ... “No one is too good to bus tables, be a hostess or do food delivery,” Thompson says. She suggests taking on these kinds of part-time ...
an unemployment insurance expert and senior policy analyst at the National Employment Law Project. “If you didn’t do anything ...
To receive unemployment benefits, Indiana law requires you to complete at least three work search activities, such as attending a work search fair or interviewing for a job, and document these efforts ...
Unemployment insurance is a program designed to provide temporary financial assistance to workers who lost their jobs through no fault of their own. Each state manages its own ...
They will notify you by mail once a decision is reached. How do I apply for unemployment benefits in Texas? If you are looking to apply for unemployment benefits in Texas, the first step is to ...
Immediately. As soon as you learn that you're being laid off, look up your state's unemployment website and learn what you need to do to apply. Several states require "waiting weeks," or a one ...
You may receive unemployment benefits while working part-time, as long as your part-time wages do not exceed 20% of your weekly benefit amount. You also must report this work and income in your ...