BERLIN -- Adolf Hitler sent troops into the de-militarized Rhineland zone today and thereby tore to shreds the last repressive clauses of the Versailles treaty. Coincidentally he announced the ...
The Treaty of Versailles, which was signed on 28 June 1919, was intended to bring peace following World War I — but instead ...
Hitler's action was designed to create a diplomatic crisis by rejecting the terms of the Versailles Treaty, which had prohibited Germany from keeping troops in that territory. While the citizens ...
"Germany is not going to break the treaty of Versailles," said Baron Kurtvon ... the House of Morgan in this country had financed the Hitler Revolution, he answered, "I think is is just a rumor ...
BERLIN, March 16, 1935 (UP) - Reichsfuehrer Hitler, in a sudden, breath-taking announcement, today denounced the military clauses of the Versailles Treaty and proclaimed immediate general military ...
Those terms, written in the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, weakened the German military, seized control over some of its industry, and took away some of its territories. In the U.S., Hitler's rise ...
"In Germany the masses of the people accepted the Versailles Treaty ... factors that have resulted in Hitler's rise to power. The masses received that treaty in the belief that they were still ...
German envoys arrive at Versailles for peace treaty ceremony, 1919 World War I left Germany in a complicated and difficult situation that produced conditions Adolf Hitler could exploit ...
Hitler remilitarised the Rhineland, from which German troops were banned under the Treaty of Versailles Britain and France again condemned the move but did nothing to stop Hitler, as they were ...
The German Government agreed to sign the Treaty of Versailles in June 1919 ... and the ‘Stab in the Back’ were used in many of Hitler’s speeches to turn people against the Government.
Some people felt the Treaty of Versailles had been too harsh in the terms it imposed on Germany, and that it was reasonable for Hitler to want to reverse some of it. During the 1930s, Germany ...
Adolf Hitler was disillusioned and bitter after World War One. He felt the war had ended too soon and the Weimar Republic had sold Germany out by agreeing to the Treaty of Versailles. In 1919 he ...