Greg Abbott on Thursday resurrected debunked rumors that public schools were putting litter boxes in classrooms for students ...
Greg Abbott’s revenge tour is almost complete. After spending more than $6 million to defeat Republican incumbents and remake ...
The bill is based on debunked claims that public schools were encouraging so-called furries. Lawmakers have used the claims ...
As state House members began debating a school voucher plan on Tuesday, Gov. Greg Abbott appeared more optimistic than ever ...
Gov. Greg Abbott highlighted support for school choice and parental rights at a Texas Pastor Council briefing in Austin. The ...
The legislation, if passed, would take $1 billion from the state’s surplus to build educational savings accounts. Students ...
It’s happened, people. It’s really happened. It’s not that Tammye Nash finally let me write about furries for no reason or ...
Two education savings account plans are working their way through the legislature, but lawmakers differ on key details.