One of the world's most enigmatic animals is found in Canada's Great Bear Rainforest. The Kermode bear (Ursus americanus ...
That same protective instinct runs strong throughout the Great Bear Rainforest. It's one of the ... though there are no animals in sight. "You don't want to startle them," says the 28-year-old ...
The Great Bear Rainforest is one of the largest unspoilt temperate rainforests left, and it’s the only place where spirit bears can be found. First Nations people are using the spirit bear as an ...
The Great Bear Rainforest spans 6.4 million hectares, offering a pristine habitat for these animals. Sightings are most common during salmon spawning season, when the wolves are most active.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., calls the Great Bear Rainforest "the planet's last large expanse of coastal temperate rain forest." Stretching for more than 250 miles along the coast of British Columbia ...
In the Great Bear Rainforest, independent science has confirmed ... In order to ensure the survival of as many species of animals and plants as possible, we must work with urgency towards two ...
Journey to a land of grizzlies coastal wolves sea otters and the allwhite spirit bear the rarest bear on earth in the film Great Bear Rainforest Hidden from the outside world the Great Bear ...