A study of the general properties of bacteria and viruses (anatomy, physiology, genetics,metabolism, cultivation, and growth); discussions include major microbial infections in man (etiologic agent, ...
The objectives over the course of the semester are to... The Microbiology Laboratory Manual, Photographic Atlas and Course Web Site The experiments to be conducted in the General Microbiology ...
In the second course in the sequence, MBI 201 (General Microbiology I), the student explores the structure, metabolism and genetics of microorganisms in greater detail. MBI 365 (Molecular Biology) ...
How did 'everything is everywhere' arise out of nineteenth century microbiology ... was in fact part of a general continuum of hypotheses about organismal distribution in the nineteenth century.
The requirements for our Bachelor of Science in Microbiology represent our consolidation of the specifics indicated by prospective employers and feedback from graduates into what is reasonable for a ...