I tre casi principali riguardano Gennaro Gattuso e Simone Inzaghi. Il precedente dell’ex Milan – allora allenatore del Napoli (era il 2020) – riguarda un’espressione blasfema da lui ...
Gattuso then cut the pundit off and said: "This is the last time. If you are here, I won't talk to you anymore, because you are a bad person." Jelicic then blasted back by calling Gattuso "a ...
though he has hit the back of the net eight times in the Europa League. Wolves, Swansea City and Arsenal have all been linked to the striker, but Gattuso is adamant he will not be going anywhere.
Simone Inzaghi hit back at the Inter doubters after a 2-0 victory away to Atalanta, referring repeatedly to the ‘debates on ...
Jelicic then responded in Spanish by saying "You played very bad!" This only enraged Gattuso further as he fired back with: "You have to have respect for people." As the pair started shouting over ...
The presenter stepped in to calm the situation before Gattuso turned his back on Jelicic but he could not help himself. "I don't want to talk to you," he added in Italian. "If you are here ...
Gennaro Gattuso esplode in diretta tv durante una discussione con l'ex calciatore Josko Jelicic, attuale opinionista per l'emittente Max Sport in Croazia dove oggi allena l'ex calciatore del Milan.
Simone Inzaghi hit back at the Inter doubters after a 2-0 victory away to Atalanta, referring repeatedly to the ‘debates on television and in the media. This is sport.’ The Nerazzurri have ...