Dr. Noureldine discussed a new and innovative same-day procedure for treating thyroid nodules that do not require general ...
[1 5] CTNs include true or simple thyroid cysts, with an epithelial lining, and mixed nodules with a predominantly fluid component. The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the role of ...
When a thyroglossal duct cyst FNAB is diagnostic for carcinoma, a thyroid ultrasound must be performed in order to rule out the presence of thyroid disease. Likewise, if a non-diagnostic FNAB is ...
The taller-than-wide thyroid nodule feature did not demonstrate sufficient power to differentiate between malignant and benign nodules.
My seven year old daughter has got a cyst on her thyroid gland. I'm quite worried as I have no real idea what this means in terms of her future health and how I can care for her.
There is a permanent lump or swelling in the neck One of the most common early signs of thyroid cancer is the appearance of a painless lump or nodule in the neck. A significant lump or swelling in ...
In a path-breaking surgery here, an elderly woman suffering from multiple nodules and cysts in her thyroid gland was relieved of the diseased parts without any trauma on the neck. A team of ...