Determined to find enough men to sell out his cornhole league for singles, Tommy Flaim decided to take an extreme, and ...
"I wanted to create a way to prevent excessive and distracting noise when playing cornhole at parties and get-togethers," ...
The Midtown Event Center hosted a competitive cornhole regional tournament, the first in Norfolk, between the local 402 ...
Norfolk’s 402 Baggerz, the local cornhole league, prepared on Wednesday for a big regional tournament coming up on Friday and ...
"I wanted to create a more entertaining and challenging alternative to conventional cornhole style games," said an inventor, ...
OGDEN, Utah (KUTV) — A Utah teen is making history, one cornhole toss at a time, turning the game into a way to help pay for college. 18-year-old Luke Herbert of Ogden is the first in the state ...
The Cornhole Club had a positive response from members in January when forming our first official League playing on Monday afternoons. There are several teams playing from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. for a ...
More than 100 people, 94 of whom were contestants, filled the Midd-West Middle School gymnasium Saturday at an all-day cornhole tournament and fundraiser for the Midd-West Mustang football team. "Big ...
And while pickleball requires some skill and exertion, cornhole is one of those casual lawn games that’s much more accessible to the athletically impaired. Singles are paired up on a team and ...
Participants in the Silly Sports' Cornhole League played and mingled Tuesday as they searched for a connection in New York City.