In large numbers, crown-of-thorns starfish can mow down wide swaths of coral reef. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) reports that Acropora species are in the top three ...
Chantae Reden On a small islet just east of the main island and directly across from the InterContinental Le Moana Bora Bora Resort, you'll find a gorgeous coral reef ... moor for free at one ...
These countless reefscape images are the largest source of observed coral reef conditions ... the team compiled ReScape into a free, user-friendly app that does not require any coding experience ...
The future of coral reef protection lies at the intersection of technology and collaboration, say Australian researchers who ...
Most corals are colonial animals - superorganisms comprising lots of smaller organisms - made up of multitudes sea anemone-like coral polyps. In the reef-building "hard corals", the polyps sit in ...
We can now automatically process and classify data about large areas of the sea floor thanks to a transformative ...
Credit: Mark Kolbe/Getty Images The bad news: 22 percent of Australia's Great Barrier Reef has died. The good news is, relatively speaking, that the rest of the 1,400-mile-long coral reef is alive ...