Captain Dan Veerhusen and Jan, his wife, run the Taurus, one of the few remaining boats that still fish herring in the Bering ...
Dealing with disappointment is something every fisherman must face. Along with the thrill of a big set of shimmering salmon, or giant halibut coming over the rail one after another, ...
Utilizing the chitin in crab shells could add more than $10 million in first wholesale value. In fact, the ASMI report shows ...
Seiners scooped up sets of maturing herring on Saturday and Sunday as the Alaska Department of Fish and Game opened this year’s commercial sac roe herring fishery in waters off the east shore of ...
For two years in a row, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game canceled the snow crab season in the Bering ... "It's been ...
NOAA Fisheries has declined to release numbers on the scope of the cutbacks to date, which has left congressional delegations ...
(Anchorage) â€“ The Alaska Board of Fisheries (BOF) adopted several proposals on miscellaneous shellfish including Prince ...