The Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has cleared a major hurdle in making a Generation IV nuclear reactor practical. Using a ...
Baton Rouge Water Co. spent $3 million to drill twin wells along North Street to intercept underground saltwater creeping ...
The Little Lehigh Watershed Stewards are calling attention to how long rock salt sticks around in local streams and drinking ...
There are some potentially valid criticism about the Nuclear Salt Water Rocket (NSWR). The criticisms highlight real physical ...
Kosher salt, like all salt, is NaCl—sodium ions electrostatically bound with chloride ions and arranged in a crystal ...
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) says statewide about 404,000 tons of road salt are used every year.
After years of effort, the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) scientists have created fuel for the world’s first fast-spectrum molten salt reactor. The Molten Chloride Reactor Experiment (MCRE) will test ...
Many people love salty foods like pizza, chips, burgers, and bread. But in the U.S., the average person eats too much salt, ...
It is not just Wisconsin’s lakes that need protecting — rising levels of salt in water wells could affect those with sodium ...
Researchers advocate broader adoption of potassium-enriched salt to combat high stroke recurrence rates among stroke ...
Pour warm water into a bucket. Add rock salt crystals to it. (A good ratio is 1 gallon water to 1 cup rock salt, but this is ...
After five years of trying to find the right ingredients, scientists at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) believe they have ...