You’ve probably noticed that eggs are more expensive than ever. Prices have skyrocketed due to a shortage caused by bird flu, ...
A shortage of chicken meat isn't on the menu for the U.S., experts said, even as eggs remain relatively expensive and in ...
LPAI causes only mild symptoms, is slower to spread and has lower mortality than highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).
In today's era of antibiotic-free poultry production, feed and water additives provide producers with an alternative method ...
According to the USDA, Maryland is a 'national leader in broiler chicken production.' In 2020, the state's poultry industry 'was responsible for as much as $6.70 billion in total economic activity.' ...
In primary processing, where scalding, feather removal, and evisceration are automated, size inconsistencies create ...
Roughly 2 million birds have been affected at a egg-producing facility in Dauphin County and a broiler production farm in ...
HPAI, the strain currently affecting broilers across ... Ghanem said. "In poultry, signs of HPAI can include sudden death, lack of energy or appetite, decreased egg production, sharp decrease ...