A 3-year-old giraffe named Msituni jumped her enclosure to get a nibble of a nearby mesquite tree. Zoo officials say Msituni ...
According to the Giraffe Conservation Foundation, a giraffe's tongue is typically black, blue, or purple. The base or back of the tongue can be pink but just as dark as the front. ZME Science says ...
In 2023, two newborns defied our expectations: born in a Tennessee zoo and in the wild in Namibia, these giraffes possess the ...
The Sacramento Zoo welcomed a new giraffe calf over the weekend. Amirah the Masai giraffe gave birth to a female calf at 2:56 p.m. Saturday, said the Sacramento Zoological Society, which operates the ...
Time was running out for Asiwa, a Rothschild’s giraffe in western Kenya. For years, she and seven other giraffes had been living on a peninsula that reached out into Lake Baringo. But rising ...