To put it all into perspective a little, 81 per cent of over-65s own a corkscrew, according to Lakeland ... and not just because the best wine tends to come with a cork as opposed to a screw ...
We tested 10 electric wine bottle openers in our search for the fastest and easiest-to-use options. Danielle St. Pierre is a Senior Editor for Food & Wine. She joined Food & Wine in 2022 and has a ...
The corkscrew tool on a Swiss Army Knife is, admittedly, not the most ideal tool for opening a bottle of wine, but it'll absolutely do in a pinch if you're not equipped with the proper gear like ...
It happens to the best of us: You’ve set up camp in the woods or unpacked your gear in a barebones hotel, and it dawns on you — you have no corkscrew! The bottle of wine you wanted to enjoy is ...
Wine Spectator makes it easy with this simple visual guide to using a corkscrew. And now that you know how to open a bottle of wine, it's time to invite some friends! Be sure to check out our guides ...
At the bare minimum, you'll need a corkscrew and some wine glasses ... because we'd rather you spend the money on the actual wine instead. Find all the best offers at our Coupons page.