If you have a "beer ... into a belly that protrudes over your pants. Any kind of calories -- whether from alcohol, sugary beverages, or oversized portions of food -- can increase belly fat.
Personal trainer Monty Simmons, from Move With Monty, tells Sun Health: “A beer belly basically means you’ve got too much fat around your abdomen - both visceral fat (around your organs ...
Having lots of visceral fat means that the liver and pancreas ... It follows that, as a beer belly can contribute to the arteries becoming clogged, it can also lead to vascular dementia, as ...
Stay Active: Regular exercise is key for visceral fat loss. Mitri is a big fan of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), as ...
FORGET a six-pack, do you just long for the day when you can do up your jeans without performing a gymnastics routine worthy ...
One cup of frozen mixed berries provides 6 grams of fiber and is rich in antioxidants, including anthocyanins. Anthocyanins ...
For clinicians, dietitians, and researchers, these findings offer a new framework for evaluating weight-loss success—one that considers not just how much fat is lost, but what kind of fat is lost and ...
Everyone has some visceral fat and having some abdominal fat is not necessarily a sign that you need to lose weight. However, an excess of belly fat can cause long-term adverse health effects.
A healthy diet is one of the most important lifestyle factors that impact belly fat, especially one high in protein, which helps build muscle while burning fat. Here are five proteins to include in ...
Visceral fat, also called belly fat, can increase your risk for chronic health conditions, including heart disease and diabetes. Shrimp, vegetables and berries are nutritious freezer staples that ...