Salim Said is accused of stealing among the largest amounts of money from the federal child nutrition program through his ...
Thirty years after she came to the US, the Minnesota representative keeps the faith in an America that will ultimately reject ...
The false rumor about the Minnesota congresswoman originated from the America's Last Line of Defense network of parody and ...
Brandon Gill brought attention to Ilhan Omar's workshops for Somali immigrants on navigating U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
The DailyMail provided a chronology of events that unfolded after Ilhan Omar and her family settled in Minnesota after fleeing war-torn Somalia in 1997. In 2002, she married Ahmed Abdisalan Hirsi ...
Republican who tweeted out that video of you and wrote America would be a better place if Ilhan Omar were deported back to Somalia. I mean I thought I'd seen everything, and I've seen a lot of ...
CNN anchor Pamela Brown pressed Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) when she called pro-Trump Congressman Brandon Gill's (R-TX) base "xenophobic and racist," asking her to clarify "not all of" his base was ...
I really wanted to build community bonding around my residents, around my community, and break fast with them,” St. Louis ...
and Gill brought attention to Omar’s workshops for Somali immigrants on navigating Immigration and Customs Enforcement. “We should have never let Ilhan Omar into our country,” Gill wrote on ...